Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Pop Quiz

Yesterday I was driving Owen home from his guitar lesson after a hectic day caring for 4 children (ages 5, 4, 2, and 6 weeks), getting a 5 and 6 year old suited up for hockey practice (if you have never done it, trust me, it is a major accomplishment. I kind of think I deserve a medal or something), dropping Riley's hockey jerseys at the ice rink (because it was picture day and I forgot. Imagine that!), fixing dinner, going to the gym. Ya know, the regular harried mom routine.

My mind was most certainly not in the car with Owen. It was on getting the enchilada casserole in the oven the minute we walked in the door so that we could eat as soon as Riley got home from hockey practice. It was on the doctor bills in a neat little stack on the counter waiting for someone (me, I guess?) to pay them. It was wondering who was going to get Shayna to her 6:00am basketball practice in the morning (her dad, most definitely).

So here I am lost in Mommy thoughts, and out of nowhere Owen begins firing questions at me:

"Did Einstein ask questions? True or False?"

"Is the heart the most powerful muscle in the body?"

"Is Chinese a hard language to learn? True or False?"

"What was the color of Coca Cola when it was first introduced?"

It's so great how sometimes my when mind is on the things that kind of suck in life, one of my kids reminds me that there are plenty of pretty terrific things too... like pop quizzes in the car.

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