Monday, November 22, 2010

A Letter to my Children: My Thanksgiving Wish

My Dear Children,

This Thanksgiving, my wish for you, my sweet (and hornery) blessings, is that you are able to push aside all the insignificant things in this life, and focus on the things that really make this life wonderful and amazing and so worth living.

I know it's hard sometimes when there is a constant flood of messages from all around you telling you that it's the 'stuff' that we have that matters. I know that when you're asked what you're thankful for, it's really hard not to list things like ipods, gaming systems, toys and clothes. I know that you see your peers who have stuff that you envy and want for me to give you. Sometimes I don't give you those things because I just can't... financial limitations have put them beyond my reach. Other times it's because I want you to work for them yourself. I also know that if I were to give you everything, you would appreciate nothing.

I want for you to see the big picture. To have a broader view of the world than our little home. I want for you to understand how incredibly blessed you really are. I want you to see the many gifts that are placed in your life each and every day.

It is a gift to wake up each day in a warm home, surrounded by people who love you... a gift that many children in this world don't have.

It is a gift that you have never been truly hungry. Oh, I know you think you've been hungry, but the kind of hunger you've felt (the kind when I'm an hour late getting supper on the table) always ends with a meal. You have never felt the belly swelling ache of real hunger. Many children feel this ache each and every day of their lives.

It is a gift to feel safe, to know that your family will always protect you and never intentionally cause you harm. Too many children live their lives in fear of those who should love and protect them.

You are warm. and fed. and safe. and loved. I know it doesn't always seem like enough, but it is. I promise.

All My Love to You... My Greatest Gifts,


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