
21 Things you May or May Not Want to Know About Me
  1. I have been a SAHM for the better part of 12 years (with a few part time gigs thrown in there from time to time)  I actually really love being at home.
  2. I have been married to my husband for 15 (mostly happy... sometimes crappy) years.
  3. I live in a rural small town in Colorado, and although most of the time I love it, sometimes my geographic isolation (a fancy way of saying 'distance to a mall and a Target') really makes me grumpy.
  4. We have a 'large family' and often get funny looks and questions about our religious affiliation.
  5. There are only a few things I love as much as really good Mexican food (especially chips and salsa - a good margarita can put a smile on my face too).
  6. It makes me crazy when people misuse there/their/they're, you're/your & to/too/two.
  7. I also want to scream when people spell 'definitely' as 'definately'.
  8. I am aware that I am kind of a spelling snob, and I am working on not being so judgmental.  
  9. I have hated my body my entire adult life, but mostly just spent my time complaining about it.  I never really DID anything about it.
  10. Now I am a runner.  It still feels funny to say that.  I started my journey in February of 2010, and I couldn't run more than a few minutes at a time.  I ran a 10k in May and a half marathon in August 2010.  I see more races in my future.
  11. Moab, Utah is one of my favorite places in the world.  If you've never been, put it on your 'bucket list'
  12. I started this blog as a way to chronicle my fitness journey, but it has become an outlet for me.  (It beats eating)
  13. I LOVE a clean house.  Unfortunately for my family, I can be a little bit Obsessive-Compulsive/anal about it.
  14. I climbed my first 14er in the summer of 2010.  It was MUCH harder going down than up (weird, right?)
  15. I would so much rather scrub a toilet than make the top bunk of a bunk bed.  Try it.  It sucks.
  16. One of my favorite chores around the house is mowing the lawn.  My husband wishes I would let him do it, but I like it too much to give it up.
  17. When I go back into the 'world of the working', I will go back to being an elementary school teacher.  My favorite grade to teach is 2nd, but I would love to be a literacy specialist (that's the area my Master's is in)
  18. After many failed attempts over the years, I learned how to waterski this year.
  19. If money (and age, and having enough seatbelts in the car) weren't a factor, I would have more children.
  20. I love being outdoors.  Hiking & camping are 2 of my favorite things.  In order to qualify as one of my favorite things, however, the camping may NOT be in a tent.  
  21. My kids make me cry, yell & worry, but they also make me smile & laugh, and the trade off is TOTALLY worth it! (most days, anyway)