Monday, November 8, 2010

What's Got You Grumpy?

1) It's Monday, and I'm not really a Monday person. I'm more of a Friday person.

2) Daylight Savings Time is an enemy to Mothers everywhere! You wouldn't think one stinking hour could throw our lives into such a swirling mass of chaos, but believe me, It can.

3) Did I mention it's Monday?

4) I stubbed my toe yesterday, and it hurts.

5) The weather is changing, and there is a storm headed this direction. I should just be happy with the fact that we have had beautiful weather the last few weeks, but I hate to see the snow come because I know it won't be leaving for a while.

6) We need new winter tires which means we will soon be about $800 poorer.

7) A friend just told me that a woman WHO DOES NOT EVEN KNOW ME was bad-mouthing me. Seriously? I have only spoken to her in passing a few times. What the heck?

8) I am having a varicose vein stripped tomorrow. I am a big baby about stuff like that (I even get a little bit freaked out about flu shots), so I am getting a teensy bit nervous.

9) Owen is having surgery next week to repair a hernia. It's his second surgery in less than a year, so I feel like a big ole baby for whining about #8.

10) I have a HATE/HATE relationship with the treadmill and I will be forced to HATE it a lot this week (see #5).

11) Sometimes I feel like I am swimming upstream when it comes to parenting my children. I will leave the specifics for another post, but it wears me down sometimes when I hear, "But EVERYONE else gets to do it!" all the frickin' time!

12) Medical Insurance (enough said)

13) The Halloween candy is soooo out to get me!

I promise that my next post will be something inspiring, and uplifting (I'll do my best anyway), but today let's just commiserate together. What's got you grumpy today?

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention all the flies and wasps that have been getting into my house. I guess they aren't happy with the weather change either. I also have an almost frightening pile of laundry to attack. SO grumpy!


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